» Từ khóa: frequency identification

Kết quả 1-1 trong khoảng 1
  • RFID


    Somewhere, separated from you by just a few degrees, is not Kevin Bacon, but an 800-pound gorilla demanding that you adopt radio frequency identification, or RFID — a technology you may have never even heard of until just a few months ago. Chances are that gorilla wears a stylish blue smock with a yellow smiley face on it and greets you with a “Welcome to Wal-Mart.” If not Wal-Mart, the US Department of Defense, Target, Albertsons, Best...

     409 p dtu 15/11/2012 177 2

    Từ khóa: RFID, frequency identification, tần số vô tuyến, Auto-ID technology, kỹ thuật vô tuyến, công nghệ viễn thông

Hướng dẫn khai thác thư viện số
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