Tourism and generation Y

Tourism is often described as a contemporary social phenomenon, and as such the relationship between tourism and society is complex and mediated by many variables. The purpose of this book is to explore the concept of generational cohorts and its implications for tourism. In particular, this book focuses on a generational cohort variously referred to as Generation Y, the Y Generation, the Net or Web Generation, the Millennials, Nexters, Thatcher’s Children, Generation
Next, Echo Boomers or the Digital Generation, and these labels are used interchangeably throughout
the book. While there is some dispute over the exact time frame, most definitions used in this book refer to people born between 1977 and 2003 – although some chapters discuss a narrower range within these broad parameters. This generational cohort is now reaching adulthood, creating new opportunities for research exploring their characteristics, values, attitudes and consumption patterns in tourism. This cohort will by 2020 become the leaders, managers and consumers
of tourism experiences.