• Case studies in ecotourism

    Case studies in ecotourism

    This book is simply a collection of case studies from around the world that either exemplify ecotourism in action, illustrate some aspect of ecotourism or test the concept of ecotourism. Some of these places and businesses I have visited myself; some are described in relatively reliable publications; and others were recommended by colleagues, especially members of the Advisory Board of the International Centre for Ecotourism Research. There...

     283 p dtu 19/09/2012 211 5

  • Service quality in leisure and tourism

    Service quality in leisure and tourism

    The book acknowledges the growing literature that enables the practitioner and the student to develop their knowledge and understanding of trends and issues in leisure and tourism management and in consumer behaviour, and the very concepts and theories that help to define the fields of enquiry. The book also recognizes the great strides made in the last decade in developing the subjects of service management, service operations management and...

     241 p dtu 19/09/2012 237 7

  • Tourism in destination communities

    Tourism in destination communities

    This book owes its inception to the international journal Tourism Recreation Research, which had proposed a special issue on the theme of host communities in 1996. For various reasons, this special issue never came to fruition, so the idea to create a book on the subject was introduced, which we were pleased to spearhead with some important guidance from Dr Tej Vir Singh. At the time, sufficient evidence existed within the tourism literature...

     333 p dtu 19/09/2012 239 6

  • Ecotourism programme planning

    Ecotourism programme planning

    The idea for this book came as a result of what was viewed as a critical lack of information in the literature on ecotourism regarding the link between the service provider and the participant. This missing link or puzzle piece (perhaps there are many more missing pieces!) is the concept of recreation programming, which is a tool that allows for the enjoyment of intrinsically rewarding leisure experiences. Programming focuses almost...

     289 p dtu 19/09/2012 227 6

  • Volunteer tourism experiences that make a difference

    Volunteer tourism experiences that make a difference

    This book represents an attempt to encapsulate the enthusiasm and positive attempts to use tourism as a means of support for both youth and communities. In a global society that increasingly finds dogma and marketing used to instil values and exploit social relations, volunteer tourism represents both an opportunity and a means of value-adding in an industry that seems to represent consumer capitalism at its worst.

     217 p dtu 19/09/2012 185 3

  • Tourism and the less developed world Issues and case studies

    Tourism and the less developed world Issues and case studies

    The preface is usually the last part of a book to be written. It is the start of a process of objectification, whereby the author distances himself or herself from the finished product, and (like the parent of a newborn child) examines it for flaws. That such are to be found in this book is undeniable, and remain the editor’s responsibility. In particular, I am aware that in trying to provide an overview of tourism in less developed...

     273 p dtu 19/09/2012 214 2

  • Rural tourism and recreation principles to practice

    Rural tourism and recreation principles to practice

    It is no accident that the publication of this book coincides with the second international conference hosted by the Leisure and Tourism Management Department at the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC), Auchincruive, in September 2001. The restructuring of agricultural industries, evident in attempts to broaden rural economic bases through diversification, requires support that has led to a broadening of scope within many of the institutions...

     251 p dtu 19/09/2012 205 4

  • The encyclopedia of ecotourism

    The encyclopedia of ecotourism

    The beginning of the new century is a good time to take stock of the activities and topics that have been studied under the guise of ‘ecotourism’ for just over a decade. This Encyclopedia of Ecotourism is the first attempt to review the sector in a comprehensive way within a single volume. Its 41 chapters, whose authors include many leaders in the field, represent a diversity of perspectives and styles. This diversity, within reason, has...

     666 p dtu 19/09/2012 192 2

  • Trends in outdoor recreation, leisure and tourism

    Trends in outdoor recreation, leisure and tourism

    How will we choose to travel and recreate in 20 years time? Will we still be content to squeeze into an airline seat and endure hours of uncomfortable travel to do the things we want to do in the place where we want to do them? Will we still recreate in ways that our mentors taught us or will we find new forms of recreation to challenge our skills? Will technology enable us to travel to all the places and do all the things that we can...

     481 p dtu 19/09/2012 202 6

  • Tourism and development in mountain regions

    Tourism and development in mountain regions

    Perhaps no other activity has grown over the past decades with the same speed and global dispersal as tourism. Such growth has inspired increasing dialogue among practitioners, policy-makers, academics and other tourism stakeholders about the form and function of tourism in the next millennium. In a sense, this dialogue heralds an age of increasing consciousness. Not only are we seriously questioning the impacts of tourism on the biosphere as...

     357 p dtu 19/09/2012 213 6

  • Phong tục Việt Nam

    Phong tục Việt Nam

    Bao gồm những tập tục xa xưa của Việt Nam còn được lưu giữ đến bây giờ, các phong tục được người dân Việt Nam giữ gìn và lưu truyền cho tới tận ngày nay. Đó là những lễ nghi trong cưới hỏi, sinh dưỡng, giao thiệp, đạo hiếu, tang lễ, giỗ tết, tế lễ, ..vv.

     95 p dtu 18/09/2012 361 20

  • Frameworks for tourism

    Frameworks for tourism

    Background and Rationale Almost 40 years ago I started out on my first piece of tourism research. My master's thesis examined the development of tourism at Mount Cook, a resort located in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. At that time - in 1972 - the history of tourist development at Mount Cook spanned almost 100 years. One of the challenges of writing up a thesis covering such a long period was to find a structure that would enable me to...

     221 p dtu 18/09/2012 216 7

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