Java and XML Data Binding

This new title provides an in-depth technical look at XML Data Binding. The book offers complete documentation of all features in both the Sun Microsystems JAXB API and popular open source alternative implementations (Enhydra Zeus, Exolabs Castor and Quick). It also gets into significant detail about when data binding is appropriate to use, and provides numerous practical examples of using data binding in applications.
XML data binding. Yes, it's yet another Java and XML API. Haven't we seen enough of this by now? If you don't like SAX or DOM, you can use JDOM or dom4j. If they don't suit you, SOAP and WSDL provide some neat features. But then there is JAXP, JAXR, and XML-RPC. If you just can't get the swing of those, perhaps RSS, portlets, Cocoon, Barracuda, XMLC, or JSP with XML-based tag libraries is the way to go.
The point of that ridiculous opening is that you, as a developer, should expect some justification for buying yet another XML book, on yet another XML API. The market seems flooded with books like this, and the torrent has yet to slow down. And while I realize that I use circular reasoning when insisting that this API is important (I did write this book on it), that's just what I'm going to do.