» Từ khóa: neuropsychology

Kết quả 1-2 trong khoảng 2
  • Biopsychology (8th Edition) - 1

    Biopsychology (8th Edition) - 1

    Pinel clearly presents the fundamentals Biopsychology and makes the topics personally and socially relevant to the reader. The defining feature of Biopsychology is its unique combination of biopsychological science and personal, reader-oriented discourse. Rather than introducing biopsychology in the usual textbook fashion, it interweaves the fundamentals of the field with clinical case studies, social issues, personal implications, and...

     291 p dtu 10/11/2012 219 4

    Từ khóa: neurology, neuroscience, biopsychology, psychology, neuropsychology, thần kinh học, y học

  • Biopsychology (8th Edition) - 2

    Biopsychology (8th Edition) - 2

    Pinel clearly presents the fundamentals Biopsychology and makes the topics personally and socially relevant to the reader. The defining feature of Biopsychology is its unique combination of biopsychological science and personal, reader-oriented discourse. Rather than introducing biopsychology in the usual textbook fashion, it interweaves the fundamentals of the field with clinical case studies, social issues, personal implications, and...

     317 p dtu 10/11/2012 158 4

    Từ khóa: neurology, neuroscience, biopsychology, psychology, neuropsychology, thần kinh học, y học

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