» Từ khóa: fixed networks

Kết quả 1-1 trong khoảng 1
  • QoS in Integrated 3G Networks

    QoS in Integrated 3G Networks

    This book is intended to provide a self-contained general understanding of the factors that determine quality of service (QoS) in a third-generation (3G) mobile network that interacts with other fixed networks. Since QoS is an end-end quantity, and the mobile networks interact both with each other and with fixed networks, the discussion includes topics applicable to all types of networks. The style of presentation here is aimed at network...

     350 p dtu 15/11/2012 191 1

    Từ khóa: 3G Networks, mobile network, fixed networks, mạng di động, công nghệ mạng, mạng di động 3G

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